Modern Slavery Act

Hoffmann SE Statement on U.K. Modern Slavery Act

This statement is made by Hoffmann SE pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Act”) to identify actions taken by Hoffmann UK Quality Tools Limited ("Hoffmann UK") during each financial year ending 31st December to prevent slavery and human trafficking from occurring in its own business and supply chains.

Hoffmann UK is a part of the Hoffmann SE Companies and is the only company subject to the Act. But this statement sets out the Hoffmann SE’s approach, processes and principles to combat slavery and human trafficking and is made on behalf of all Hoffmann SE companies.

Respect for human rights is fundamental to the strategy and culture of the Hoffmann SE. We fully endorse the United Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Therefore, as a business, Hoffman UK has a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery and this is enshrined as one of the core principles of its purchasing policy. However, Hoffmann UK acknowledges that modern slavery exists and is a risk to all businesses.

In the event that any of the Hoffmann UK business partners are found to be engaged in slavery or other unethical working practices, it will take steps to address those issues with this business partners, seek to drive improved standards and, if necessary, terminate its relationships with any such business partners.

Approved by the Director of Hoffmann UK Quality Tools Limited on 13 September 2024.

Signed by

Robert Impler

Hoffmann UK Quality Tools Limited

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