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Technische Daten

Produktart Drehmomentprüfgerät

Identifikationsnummern & Klassifikationen

Artikelnummer 1870521
EAN / GTIN 0611702896244
Herstellernummer 1870521



  • Accurate measurement. Designed to monitor low torque values for Hand operated Torque Tools, providing +/-2% accuracy
  • Ease of use. Perfect for use by operators of any skill level, as the robust design eliminates the fear of damage caused by overloading
  • Fast results. The MTS Testers are designed to quickly give confidence that your Torque Tools are operating within limits. The easy to read analogue dial, peak torque and limit pointers all work together to give the operator instant confirmation of tool performance
  • Long tool life. High quality and robust design, with a two year warranty
  • End Fittings. Compatible with Setting adaptors
  • Versatile. Able to operate in a wide variety of environments and situations from shop floor to field operations as the MTS and MTP have no requirement for power
  • Servicing. Regular servicing is essential to ensure precision and consistent accuracy


  • Antriebsaufnahme, Sechskant- [metrisch]: 6,3
  • Antriebsaufnahme, Sechskant- [zöllig]: 1/4″
  • Drehmomentbereich (min./max.) [Nm]: 0 Nm - 0,1 Nm
  • Messgenauigkeit Drehmoment: +/-2%
  • 1000 V isoliert: nein
  • Grafikdisplay: nein
  • Überlastschutz: nein
  • REACH Registrierung vorhanden: nein
  • VDE zertifiziert: nein

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