Scotch-Brite™ Hookit™ Production Clean & Finish Disc, 150 mm, A VFN

Cikkszám: 7100138329
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  • Minimális rendelési mennyiség 40 darab
  • Rendelési lépések: 40 darab
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Technikai adatok

Termék fajtája Csiszoló vlies

Azonosító számok és osztályozások

Cikkszám 7100138329
EAN / GTIN 50048011292934
Gyártó száma 7100138329
L-szám L51710 313



High cut-rate provides fine finishing, blending, polishing, paint prepping, and scuffing on a wide variety of surfaces
3M™ Hookit™ quick change attachment and removal system provides fast disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes
Provides proper finish for scuffing primer, metal, and solid surfaces
Non-woven 3D structure provides long life and consistent finishes
Superior durability and cut make the disc long-lasting


Scotch-Brite™ Hookit™ Production Clean and Finish Disc uses an aluminium oxide abrasive, which is a popular choice among industrial professionals because of its fast cut-rate and long life. Our discs are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into non-woven nylon fibres.


The high cutting speed enables fine finishing, veneering, polishing, paint preparation and removal grinding on a wide range of surfaces
3M™ Hookit™ Hook and Loop Adhesive System enables quick disc changes for multi-stage finishing processes
Provides the right finish when sanding primers, metal and solid surfaces
Load and heat resistance allows for prolonged operation and consistent cutting action throughout the life of the disc


Use for fine finishing, paint prepping, and scratch blending, to conform well to irregular surfaces for a clean, consistent finish without undercutting or damaging the base material

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