3M™ Double Coated Tape 9731

Cikkszám: 7000049099
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  • Minimális rendelési mennyiség 36 darab
  • Rendelési lépések: 36 darab
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Technikai adatok

Termék fajtája Ragasztószalag

Azonosító számok és osztályozások

Cikkszám 7000049099
EAN / GTIN 50051138954074
Gyártó száma 7000049099
L-szám L01310 1444



Product Colour: Transparent
Silicone features strong holding power to various silicone surfaces. Acrylic has the ability to bond a variety of surfaces including low surface energy plastics, powder coatings, and oily materials.
Overall Length: 32.91 m
Overall Width: 6.35 mm
Allows the bonding of silicone substrates with other high- or low-energy materials


3M™ Double Coated Tape 9731 is a high performance 140µm carrier with silicone coated inside and acrylic adhesive coated outside. Double liner of 100µml polyester film and 127µm polycoated kraft paper. High temperature and medium solvent resistance, high HSE and LSE


351 adhesive provides excellent solvent resistance and adhesion to low surface energy materials, Silicone adhesive bonds silicone and low surface energy plastics without primer using this pressure sensitive solution
Silicone adhesives are characterized by a strong adhesive force on various silicone surfaces. Acrylate glues a wide variety of surfaces, including many low-energy plastics, powder coatings and oily materials.// Silicone adhesives are characterized by a strong adhesive force on various silicone surfaces. Acrylate glues a wide variety of surfaces, including many low-energy plastics, powder coatings and oily materials.
Achieve very high adhesion to a variety of materials
58# Polycoated Kraft Paper (PCK) liner is a 3M performance standard, providing moisture stability and economical edge burr during hard tool die cutting, Polyester Film (PET) liner's high strength reduces breakage during die cutting and dispensing
Enables the connection of silicone substrates with other high or low energy materials
Polyester straps facilitate handling and processing// Polyester straps facilitate handling and processing
Very high temperature resistance// Very high temperature resistance


Use to achieve very high adhesion to a variety of materials
Silicone side with good adhesion e.g. on silicone rubber and siliconized paper

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