Getting started with “Connected Manufacturing (CM)”


Hoffmann Group Connected Manufacturing (CM) is the right solution to manage your shopfloor transparently and efficiently. In only 5 steps we get you started.

1. Order RFID tags and reader.

You can skip this step in case everything is already available.

Every base holder and accessory you want to track requires a RFID tag. Also every location you want to link to requires a RFID tag (e.g. production machines, storage locations, preset devices).

To scan RFID you need a RFID reader. Recommendations and further information can be found here:

RFID Chips, RFID accessories and recommended hardware (PDF)

Whilst your order is underway, you may proceed with Step 2.

2. Import your tools.

2.1 Define your settings.

Prior to importing your CAM-Library, make sure you have defined your system defaults correctly. Select your CAM system and define your min/max tolerance limits for tool assemblies. Go to "Settings" > "System Defaults" and click on "Edit".

2.2 Import CAM-Library

Please navigate to „Settings“ > „Import Data“ and click “+ New Import” to add your tools to CM. Once import is successful you can find all of your tool assemblies in the left menu bar under “Tools”. Individual components are organized in separate tabs “Cutters”, “Base holders” and “Intermediate holders

3. Digitalize your infrastructure.

You can create for every possible location a digital twin. This can be a storage location like trolleys, shelves, cabinets, a preset device or production machine.

Navigate to “Settings” > “Infrastructure” and click “ + Create new” in the respective category “Storage Locations”, “Machines” or “Presetting Devices”.

4. Invite your team when you are an administrator.

Info: This option is only available to admin users.

Go to „Digital Service Platform“ of the Hoffmann Group and select “User Administration” > „+ Create new user“. Fill in the required information and select the role „Standard-User“. Confirm by clicking „Create user“.

The new user will receive an invitation email to register with Hoffmann Group Digital Service Platform. You as administrator will receive an email when the registration has been completed by the user and can always view and manage users via the platform.

5. Assemble your RFID tags.

4. Invite your team when you are an administrator.

Info: This option is only available to admin users.

Go to „Digital Service Platform“ of the Hoffmann Group and select “User Administration” > „+ Create new user“. Fill in the required information and select the role „Standard-User“. Confirm by clicking „Create user“.

The new user will receive an invitation email to register with Hoffmann Group Digital Service Platform. You as administrator will receive an email when the registration has been completed by the user and can always view and manage users via the platform.

In order to do this, navigate to “Settings” > “Storage Locations”, “Machines” or “Presetting Devices”. Select “edit” via 3 dot context menu. Now click in the „ID“ input field and scan the RFID tag with your RFID Reader. Click “Save” and continue until you have linked your infrastructure.

Tips for tablet operation. (PDF)

5.1 Tag and link your locations.

Apply RFID tags to your physical locations and link it to the infrastructure you’ve created in step 3.

RFID assembly (PDF)

5.2 Assemble RFID tags to your base holders.

We have created a how-to document to prepare your base holders for CM:

RFID assembly (PDF)

Once all base holders are equipped with RFID tags, you want to add them to your stock:

  • Individual base holders which are part of a tool assembly can be added to stock like this:

  • Base holders that are a part of a tool assembly can be linked directly using your RFID reader:

Also add your individual cutters to stock. Please follow the steps shown in the video.

5.3 Assemble RFID tags to your accessory.

CM enables you to manage other accessories like clamping devices or molding forms via RFID. You need firstly to create categories here: “Settings” > “Accessories”. Categories you create will be visible as tabs on the page “Accessories”.

Now you can add accessory types within each category by clicking „+ Create new“.

To add instances for a certain type you click „+ Create new“ on the respective accessory type page and scan the RFID tag before clicking “Create”.

5.3 Assemble RFID tags to your accessory

CM enables you to manage other accessories like clamping devices or molding forms via RFID. You need firstly to create categories here: “Settings” > “Accessories”. Categories you create will be visible as tabs on the page “Accessories”.

Now you can add accessory types within each category by clicking „+ Create new“.

To add instances for a certain type you click „+ Create new“ on the respective accessory type page and scan the RFID tag before clicking “Create”.

You are all set to start with Connected Manufacturing.

Here is how you create a new tool assembly:

CM give you the full picture on your shopfloor: what tools are available and what is their location? What do I need to prepare for upcoming tasks? Via the identify function, you can see all available tool information by simply scanning its RFID tag. In case you connected to machine controls, CM will capture actual machining data as usage history for each tool. Let’s get started.

CM give you the full picture on your shopfloor: what tools are available and what is their location? What do I need to prepare for upcoming tasks? Via the identify function, you can see all available tool information by simply scanning its RFID tag. In case you connected to machine controls, CM will capture actual machining data as usage history for each tool. Let’s get started.

Further information.

There’s more to „Connected Manufacturing“. You can manage your customers and orders and connect them to workpieces and machining tasks. Your benefits:

  • Realtime status on machining tasks (requires connected machines)
  • Create and manage work plans.
  • Add relevant documents to work pieces - accessible for anyone.
  • Automatically generated Picklists for machining tasks reduce preparation times.
  • Send NC files directly to machines and save back optimized files to CM upon completion. (requires connected machines)
  • Sync changes of your tools from machines back to CM (requires connected machines)

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