Scotch-Brite™ Cut and Polish Unitized Wheel CP-UW, 1 in x 1 in x 3/16 in, 7A MED

Cikkszám: 7000045846
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  • Rendelési lépések: 50 darab
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Technikai adatok

Termék fajtája Csiszoló vlies

Azonosító számok és osztályozások

Cikkszám 7000045846
EAN / GTIN 50048011037009
Gyártó száma 7000045846
L-szám L51710 1426



Durable, aggressive wheel for tough blending, finishing, and deburring on harder metals like stainless steel, carbon steel, high nickel alloys
Generates a dense, distinctive and matte finish
Multi-layer compressed fiber nonwoven construction
Tightly layered, unitized construction can operate in clockwise or counterclockwise directions
Uniform surface even in hard-to-reach areas


Scotch-Brite™ Cut and Polish Unitized Wheel is a tightly layered, durable, unitised wheel available in medium to hard densities. Our wheels provide an excellent starting point for jobs requiring the availability of small diameters and narrow widths.


High concentration of abrasive mineral is fast cutting and consistently produces a bright finish throughout the life of the wheel
Flexible, non-woven construction provides controlled abrasive action that helps prevent undercutting or gouging
Tightly layered, unitized construction can operate in clockwise or anticlockwise directions
Scotch-Brite™ material resists loading and wears at a uniform rate to provide continuous cutting action
Uniform finish
No deviation in the surface image
Save time and money
Dense line image
Easy machining of smallest radii and contours
Use on high-speed machines
Uniform grain distribution


For tough blending, finishing, and deburring on harder metals like stainless steel, carbon steel, high nickel alloys

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