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Tools in Action
Milling cutters, turning tools and clamping technology in use!
Milling with process reliability
Milling tools for process reliability and efficiency: Roughing end mills, finishing cutters, face mills, taps, TPC milling cutters, PPC barrel milling cutters, trochoidal milling, micro milling cutters, high precision milling cutters. torus cutters, copy slot drills, barrel milling cutters. Achieve high chip volume, large infeed and maximum feed rates.
We provide access to many reputable manufacturers in the field of turning from a single source: We will supply the right solution for your application, whether in the field of longitudinal turning / facing, thread turning, cutting in / parting off, tool or component clamping, or other applications.
Efficient drilling
Drilling tools for a working process that is efficient and process reliable: taps, high-performance drills, solid carbide high precision drills, solid carbide drills, drills for plastic, interchangeable head drills, HSS drills, indexable drills.
Grinding and cutting
Grinding and cutting tools for fast and precise work and highest productivity.
Workstations and storage - flexible and modular
Individually plan and extend workstations and storage: Workbenches, workstations, tool cabinets, swing door cabinets and sliding door cabinets.