Nove HOLEX LED svetilke

Celoten asortiman za najrazličnejšo uporabo

HOLEX LED svetilke

Nova generacija svetilk HOLEX ponuja impresivno kombinacijo najnovejše LED tehnologije z izjemnimi svetlobnimi učinki in tako rekoč neomejeno življenjsko dobo (približno 100.000 ur). Visoke vrednosti CRI in optimizirana barvna temperatura delovnih svetilk HOLEX ponujajo svetlobo, ki ni samo posebej svetla, temveč tudi izjemno naravna. Tako so sijalke HOLEX popoln spremljevalec za vse, ki se morajo pri slabih ali spremenljivih svetlobnih pogojih zanašati na oči, kot so električarji, inšpektorji za kakovost in industrijski delavci.

An overview of the impressive special features:

  • True colour LED with high CRI value (> 95) for optimum recognition of colour matching.
  • Focussable lamp head for bundled and concentrated illumination between 10° and 80°.
  • Even, neutral illumination.
  • Practical pocket clip and push-button.

What is the CRI value?

The CRI value gives information about the brilliance of the light. Work lamps like the HOLEX lamps with a high CRI value ensure true reproduction of colour without any blue tinge and with natural colour saturation. Absolutely reliable and precise colour recognition guaranteed!

The colour temperature is measured in Kelvin (K), and indicates whether an LED lamp emits warm or cold light – the higher the Kelvin value, the colder the light. The colour temperatures of HOLEX LED lamps lie in the range of daylight (approx. 5,700 – 7,000 K). This guarantees even and neutral illumination and creates ideal conditions for exact colour matching and the recognition of painting defects and the like. By using an optimum work light, defects such as polishing faults, defective weld seams etc. can be detected even during the course of work and time-intensive and costly rework can be avoided.

HOLEX work lamp

The handy LED cordless work lamps for various applications are dimmable, can be individually adjusted and have a magnetic base for flexible attachment.

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