Sustainable business – much more than just climate and environmental protection
Sustainable solutions to use resources more efficiently
Resource conservation and sustainable business go hand in hand. Energy and costs can be saved with a view to improving sustainability when using tools and consumables/operating materials, in combination with material maintenance and repair services.

Sustainable business can be a competitive advantage
The meaning behind sustainability has shifted, and nowadays it goes far beyond just the environmental side of things. Sustainable business should have social and economic benefits for companies as well. And according to current studies, this goal will help ensure the company’s long-term success. Resource conservation and sustainable business go hand in hand. Energy and costs can be saved with a view to improving sustainability when using tools and consumables/operating materials, in combination with material maintenance and repair services.

Our sustainability goals: social, ecological, economic
The Hoffmann Group has advocated for greater sustainability for years. For example, since the end of 2021 we have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and are therefore committed to its ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and climate as well as corruption prevention. The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s biggest and most important initiative for responsible corporate management.